Authenticity of evidence and due process in Ecuadorian law.




cogep, verdad, convecimento, derechos constitucionales, derecho procesal


The judicial principles of proof represent a means of proof that guarantee the rights of the parties. The objective was to analyze the authenticity of the evidence, in relation to due process, according to Ecuadorian legislation. The methodology was qualitative-quantitative, the methods were interpretive-hermeneutical, the authenticity of the test was analyzed within the different processes applied in the COGEP. Finally, a scoping Review was carried out, under search criteria. The results obtained refer to the fact that the evidence within a judicial process, mention is made of the demonstration, verification, and search for the truth, which allows and contributes to becoming convinced of the facts. Every administrative and/or judicial authority is obliged to comply with the rules established in the Constitution and are responsible for carrying out a fair process and safeguarding the constitutional rights of the people


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Author Biographies

  • Alberto Mauricio Pangol Lascano, Universidad Indoamérica

    Alberto Mauricio Pangol Lascano. Abogado, Doctor en Jurisprudencia, Magister en Derecho Laboral, Magister en Derecho Procesal con mención en Derecho Civil, Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Docente universitario, Abogado en libre ejercicio

  • Camila Anahí Garzón Rivera, Universidad Indoamérica

    Abogada, Maestrante de la maestría en Derecho Procesal y Litigación Oral por la Universidad Tecnológica Indoamerica


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How to Cite

PANGOL LASCANO, Alberto Mauricio; GARZÓN RIVERA, Camila Anahí. Authenticity of evidence and due process in Ecuadorian law. Direito, Processo e Cidadania, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 2, n. 2, p. 113–131, 2023. DOI: 10.25247/2764-8907.2023.v2n2.p113-131. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.