Deaf identity and subjectivity in the school space: fragments of na interventional experience
Teacher, Deaf child, Affectivity, Learning, IdentityAbstract
This analysis is the result of an interventional investigation developed in a deaf school in Recife about the identity and subjectivity of deaf students in their relationship with the listening teacher who mediates and facilitates learning. The investigation aimed to analyze the affective relationships in the interlocutions between the interlocutors of the pedagogical process through a qualitative analysis of speech fragments of these actors, expanding, that way, the theoretical-practical knowledge about the learning possibilities of deaf children and teenagers through recognition and acceptance of its singularity, due to its natural gesture-visual language. With that purpose, we could recognise the human value of interpersonal relationships, that is, we are all human beings. So, the dimension of teaching requires an understanding of an attitude of care. Both deaf children and deaf teenagers deserve a decent and humane environment to live and learn. It is important to relate this dimension of human life, in which people with disabilities deserve to be included and valued as human beings. Therefore, the meaning and valuation of the psyche and learning relationship, deaf identity, impelling deaf people to see their own identity in this relationship.
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