



 Empire, Pernambuco, Law


This work has as a proposal to discuss the reasons that led the Brazilian Imperial
State to create the legal course in Pernambuco, as well as on the aspects that
made the Law Faculty of Recife, one of the most important centers of
knowledge, modern history and Contemporary art from Brazil. For this, we seek
in the structures, policies of the Brazilian Imperial State, the elements for the
creation of the legal course in Pernambuco. Historiographical rescue in
newspapers and books, of the evolution of the legal thought of the time, that
was fomented, in Pernambuco lands, realizing a survey of the proposals of
creation of the legal courses in Brazil, as well as of the law of 11/08/1827 , Which
creates legal courses in Brazil. The period of study of this research refers to the
years from 1822 to 1870, although we have to use diachronism to establish a
temporal logic for the structure of understanding the facts that marked this new
stage of national knowledge. Education in Brazil until the arrival of the royal
family in 1808 summed up the Jesuit experiences of the Society of Jesus. With
the advent of Brazil's independence in 1822, ideas about a system of education
of its own began to circulate in Brazil. This system of education, which was once
only destined for the subjects of the crown, won defenders for its generalization,
as a right of every citizen of the new nation. Pernambuco constituted possibly
the main focus of liberalism in the country, which contradicted the absolutism
of Dom Pedro I, the ideologies that come every time from Europe and the
United States, aroused the harsh and rebellious character of one of the most
The Brazilian state. The choice of the city of São Paulo seems obvious, the
already outstanding port of Santos, the proximity of the crown facilities and the
already incipient infrastructure, the province represented the organization of
politics and economic activity, the interests of development of the country
favored the City. But the choice of Olinda dates back to the year 1800, when
Azeredo Coutinho, bishop of Olinda and acting governor of Pernambuco,
founded a modeling seminary. This institute inaugurated in 22/02/1800 would
house in 1827 the then legal faculty. Pernambuco was the main representative
of liberal ideas, had already revolted and persuaded other provinces do the
same. The choice of Pernambuco as the seat of one of the faculties seems up
to the moment of this research, as a strategic choice of vigilance ready for
punishment. Dom Pedro I, who had already punished the province of
Pernambuco, with detachment from the extensive territory of the District of San
Francisco, would have the faculty as the eyes of the crown the watch over the
rebellious province. After the transfer of the faculty of Olinda to Recife, it was
possible to verify a literary production, that would not change the educational
panorama of the State, would lead to deep discussions about the same. This
system of education, which was once only destined for the subjects of the
crown, won not only defenders for its popularization, as it was incorporated,
the order of the new studies, among them that of criminal law so stagnant.


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Author Biographies

  • Edjaelson Pedro Silva, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

    Doutor em Ciências da Religião no PPG-CR da Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, UNICAP (2020). Mestre em Ciências da Religião pela mesma universidade (2016). Graduado em Teologia pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (2008). Bacharel em Teologia pelo Seminário Teológico Congregacional do Nordeste (2004). Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (2014). Atualmente é pastor efetivo da Igreja Evangélica Congregacional do Ibura. Tem experiência na área do ensino de Teologia, com ênfase em Teologia Sistemática. Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0552989061939390. E-mail: e.petrossilva@gmail.com.

  • Christiane Teixeira Gomes, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, UNICAP

    Mestranda em Direito, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2024-).  Licenciada em História (2010) e bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (2016). Pós-graduada em História do Nordeste (2017), em Direito do Trabalho (2019) e em Advocacia Cível (2023). 


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How to Cite

SILVA, Edjaelson Pedro; TEIXEIRA GOMES, Christiane. RAZÕES DO ESTADO IMPERIAL PARA A CRIAÇÃO DO CURSO JURÍDICO EM PERNAMBUCO. PARALELLUS Journal of Religion Studies - UNICAP, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 14, n. 35, p. 721–749, 2024. DOI: 10.25247/paralellus.2023.v14n35.p721-749. Disponível em: https://www1.unicap.br/ojs/index.php/paralellus/article/view/2526.. Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.

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