The conception of philosophical activity in Herbert Marcuse
Philosophy, Marcuse, Democratic socialism, Frankfurt SchoolAbstract
With this article we seek to identify the essential traits of philosophical activity according to the conception of Herbert Marcuse, distributed in the analysis of the concepts of philosophy, philosopher, revolutionary subject, as well as the meaning of democratic socialism, the highest point of liberation of human beings, that can be achieved through the action of social movements. We followed the critical-dialectical method to carry out this work, as it provides us with adequate means of understanding and articulating the totality, particularity and singularity of contemporary society and its tendencies historically constructed by the logic of capital. We defined the following points as objectives: to investigate the concept of philosophical activity in Marcuse's conception and also to describe the concepts of philosophy, philosopher and revolutionary subject, articulating these aspects with his ideals of human liberation, formatted in democratic socialism, for whose realization uses different social movements. Overall, the article seeks to answer/solve the following problem: How will philosophical activity contribute to the construction of a free and democratic society? In order to find a plausible answer/solution to the problem raised, it is necessary to go through several works by the philosopher Marcuse and also works and articles by some of his experts and scholars with a complement of works by other authors engaged with a reading of the world. sufficiently capable of transforming it so that human beings can live, in fact, humanized.
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