Work that does not Dignify Man
The Social Function of Work from the Perspective of Michel Foucault from the Reflections of The Temer Government
Law, Justice, Work, PowerAbstract
The present research aims to analyze the law as one of the main aspects for the characterization of the institutionalization of work, based on the analysis of Michel Foucault's thought in his theory of power. With the advent of the industrial age, labor law emerges simultaneously as a tool not only to protect workers but also to legitimize labor exploitation, which, according to Foucault, is one of the mechanisms that guarantees the exercise of power and, consequently, growth. ruling class economy throughout the history of capitalism. The history of capitalism in Brazil is shaped by the mechanisms of power having as a foundation the issues of gender, class and race, representing a pattern of the profile of marginalized classes in the professional market. Furthermore, not only Michel Foucault analyzed the social function of work in depth, but before him, Karl Marx himself, who had already demonstrated that such a function is directly linked to the ability or not of the individual to submit, in turn, to the institutional labor mechanisms. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the relationship between the legal institutionalizations that regulate labor relations from the perspective of Michel Foucault's thinking, based on the law that legitimizes social inequalities in capitalist society.
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