
  • Rogério de Almeida USP
  • Alberto Filipe Araújo
  • Iduína Mont’Alverne Chaves
  • Maria Cecília Sanchez Teixeira



teoria do Imaginário, schème, Gilbert Durand, Jung


Our article in homage to Professor Danielle Perin Rocha Pitta, starts from the classic definition of myth that appears in Les Structures Anthropologiques de L’Imaginaire (1960) by Gilbert Durand. This definition comprises the concepts of symbol, archetype and schème, as productive or heuristic notions. We will comment on these concepts, particularly that of the archetype, in the light of a study by Gilbert Durand entitled “Archétype et mythe” (1985). It is, in fact, a work quite unknown to most readers and scholars of Durand's work, although fundamental for the understanding of the myth and its relationship that it establishes with the archetype. And it is precisely this fundamental relationship that the myth establishes with the archetype, no longer in the Jungian sense, but rather in the sense that Gilbert Durand himself gives it, which we will study carefully. We hope that our investigation, which uses a qualitative methodology with a hermeneutic bent, will result in a clarification of the epistemological status of the myth. In this sense, our article, by being part of the “line of investigation” that deals with the relationship between the myth and the concepts mentioned above, substantially intends to emphasize the Durandian contribution to the study of the myth and, very particularly, in its complex relationship with the archetype.


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How to Cite

DE ALMEIDA, Rogério; ARAÚJO, Alberto Filipe; MONT’ALVERNE CHAVES, Iduína; SANCHEZ TEIXEIRA, Maria Cecília. MYTH AND ARCHETYPE IN THE DURANDIAN PERSPECTIVE. PARALELLUS Revista de Estudos de Religião - UNICAP, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 14, n. 34, p. 255–281, 2023. DOI: 10.25247/paralellus.2023.v14n34.p255-281. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.

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