



Mezuzah, Shemah, Deuteronomy 6.4-9, Door


The article presents the transformations of the Hebrew word mezuzah, throughout history. In its original context, the term refers to the doorposts of the house, which may include the upper beam, or the two posts that flank the door. The biblical text commands that the words of God be written on the mezuzot, that is, on the doorposts of the house, in addition to having them written on the gates of cities (Deut 6.9). The order sounds, in the context, like a metaphor for listening attentively to the word, to internalize the divine command and to keep it always in sight (Deut 6.4-9). Following a common practice in the ancient Near East, this order was carried out literally, carving the words into the stone or wood of the doorposts. In the course of time, probably in the period of the Seleucid persecution, the words were written on parchments, rolled up in small tubular boxes and affixed to the doorjamb, similar to what happened with the tefillin. The word mezuzah came to designate, then, the cylinder that contains the scrolls of parchment with biblical writings and with the divine name Shadday. With this, the mezuzah became a religious symbol and object of devotion, with the addition of meanings that this reality represents.


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Author Biographies

  • Valmor da Silva, PUC Goiás

    Mestre em Teologia Bíblica e em Exegese Bíblica. Doutor em Ciências da Religião (Bíblia). Pós-Doutor em Teologia (Bíblia). Professor titular do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião da PUC Goiás. Email: lesil@terra.com.br

  • Rosemary Francisca Neves Silva, PUC Goiás

    Rosemary Francisca Neves Silva: Doutora e Mestra em Ciências da Religião (PUC Goiás). Professora no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião (PUC Goiás). Editora-Chefe da Revista Fragmentos de CulturaE-mailrosemarynf@gmail.com

  • Maria Ciurinha Pereira dos Santos, PUC Goiás

    Maria Ciurinha Pereira dos Santos: Mestre em Serviço Social pela PUC Goiás. Assistente Social e Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião da PUC Goiás. Email: ciurinha@yahoo.com.br


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2021-12-29 — Updated on 2021-12-29




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How to Cite

SILVA, Valmor da; SILVA, Rosemary Francisca Neves; SANTOS, Maria Ciurinha Pereira dos. "WRITE THEM ON THE DOORPOSTS OF YOUR HOUSE, AND ON YOUR GATES" (DEUT 6,9): INTERPRETATION OF THE MEZUZAH THROUGHOUT HISTORY. PARALELLUS Journal of Religion Studies - UNICAP, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 12, n. 31, p. 719–734, 2021. DOI: 10.25247/paralellus.2021.v12n31.p719-734. Disponível em: https://www1.unicap.br/ojs/index.php/paralellus/article/view/2048.. Acesso em: 3 oct. 2024.

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