


Proverbs, Historical Jesus, Q source, Wisdom


It analyzes several aspects of Jesus' familiarity with the use of sayings and proverbs, as reported by the Gospels, in the wake of the wisdom tradition.Explains the source of these sayings, identified as source Q, the radical gospel of Galilee.It distinguishes the identification of Jesus as “the Wisdom”(sofiaor logos), “son of Wisdom”from the other identification of Jesus as a popular sage, teller of parables, sayings and proverbs.It further develops the second aspect, with some characteristics of Jesus, recognized as a popular sage, by citing Old Testament proverbs, by using proverbs from rabbinic and Greek-Roman literature, by composing parables from proverbs, by hisappeal for paradox, hyperbole and humor.It argues for the use of proverbs by Jesus, in the existential context, with the didactic purpose of provoking and shaking his listeners, in view of an existential and social change. Metodologicamente, agrupa, classifica e compara as expressões proverbiais, com o objetivo de destacar essa atividade sapiencial intensa de Jesus. It concludes, as a result, an important feature, and not always well explored, in the life of Jesus, according to the Gospels.


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Author Biography

  • Valmor da Silva, PUC Goiás

    Mestre em Exegese Bíblica pelo Pontifício Instituto Bíblico de Roma e em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana de Roma; Doutor em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo; Pós-Doutor em Teologia pela Faculdade Jesuíta de Belo Horizonte; Professor no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião da PUC Goiás. Assessor de cursos bíblicos populares.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, Valmor. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS IN THE MOUTH OF THE POPULAR SAGE JESUS OF NAZARETH. PARALELLUS Revista de Estudos de Religião - UNICAP, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 12, n. 30, p. 469–486, 2021. DOI: 10.25247/paralellus.2021.v12n30.p469-486. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.

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