The liberator God in Isaiah 41,8-16

contributions in light of Walter Benjamin's hermeneutics on prophetism and social justice




Liberator, Prophecy, Social justice, Law


This article points to the birth of the experience of a liberator God during the Babylonian exile. To this end, the methodology of Walter Benjamin's exegetical and hermeneutical analysis is followed. First, the text and Sitz-im-Leben, the vital context, of the pericope Is 41,8-16, which includes the resumption of the call made to Israel through the importance of memory and highlights the theological crisis experienced by the exiles in Babylon. Second, the exegetical-theological commentary, which encompasses the view that God does not abandon the exiles, on the contrary, is present in their hearts, to arouse prophetism, social justice and law supported by the hope that God continues with them even outside the Temple. Third, the pragmatics and hermeneutics, which demonstrate, on the one hand, the liberating attitude of prophetism towards its listeners to encourage them in the perseverance of the call given by God; on the other hand, the contributions of Walter Benjamin's hermeneutics in dialogue with the pericope, such as: the recovery of the meaning of biblical prophecy in the current scenario, social justice in view of overcoming wars and preserving the environment. Thus, the message of the prophet of old remains valid for Christian prophecy.


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Author Biography

  • Nelson Maria Brechó da Silva, Faculdade João Paulo II/FAJOPA, Brasil

    Doutor em Filosofia e em Teologia (ambos pela PUC-SP). Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Ética e Filosofia Política da PUC-SP e Literatura Joanina também pela PUC-SP. Professor titular do Departamento de Teologia (Faculdade João Paulo II - Marília / SP). E-mail:


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How to Cite

BRECHÓ DA SILVA, Nelson Maria. The liberator God in Isaiah 41,8-16: contributions in light of Walter Benjamin’s hermeneutics on prophetism and social justice. Fronteiras - Revista de Teologia da Unicap, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 7, n. 2, p. 285–305, 2025. DOI: 10.25247/2595-3788.2024.v7n2.p%p. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jan. 2025.

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