Philosophy on cene at school: the resource of theater from the paradigm of intersubjectivity
Expressiveness, Intersubjectivity; teaching philosophy.Abstract
The intention of this article is to think about a methodological resource in the teaching of philosophy that can assume intersubjectivity in school as a guiding principle. Therefore, the reflection starts from the Habermasian reading on instrumental rationality – whose purpose is world domination – to highlight the collaborative function that communicative action can highlight in rational construction and in the reestablishment of the fundamental role that language has in human formation. Therefore, it is important to consider the discursivity evidenced not from the perspective of an observer, but in the intersubjective participation of the action by the subjects in the school environment. Using the text from book VII of the Work "The Republic" by the philosopher Plato, in the context of the classroom we developed an adaptation of the Platonic text to be used in a discursive activity through theater, which we will reinterpret the dramaturgical action regarding the linguistic turnaround. Therefore, we highlight the main intention of this work, which is to report the discursive experience through theatrical resources and encouraged by the teaching of philosophy in the daily life of a public school in the state of Alagoas.
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