Mythe, sacré, conscience supra-sensible, symbolique, invisible, corpsAbstract
Since its beginnings, cultural anthropology has encountered expressions of mythical thought in traditional societies or primitive peoples, especially non-European ones. Interpretations of this cultural imaginary vary between the hypothesis of a specific form of archaic thought, deconstructed and overtaken by rational thought, of European origin, and a structuralist explanation, based on universal cognitive structures, as in Claude Lévi Strauss, for example, who minimizes the break between wild and scientific thought, but refers them to abstract formalisms, emptied of their affects and existential content. A more phenomenological and existential approach to the mythical imaginary, in a sense extended to all beliefs, including monotheistic ones, would enable us to better understand how mythic narration is rooted in an experience of symbolic consciousness, endowed with its affective structures and its narrative, semantic and syntactic constraints. Based on the work of Walter Otto, Ernst Cassirer, Mircea Eliade, Gilbert Durand, Georges Gusdorf, Kurt Hubner, Henry Corbin, Paul Ricœur, James Hillman and others, mythic consciousness emerges as a form of being-in-the-world, an existential dimension of imaginative consciousness. It constitutes a genuine alternative and complement to the rational view of the objective world, which cannot be the only way of representing life, actions and institutions.
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