State Terrorism: South America during the 1970s. A case of State Terrorism Transnationalization


  • Julio Lisandro Cañón Voirin Columbia University


Palabras clave:

State terrorism, dictatorship, Southern Cone, Operation Condor.


During the 1970s, for the first time in the political history of the Southern Cone, supranation-al integration between the different dictatorships of the region took place. These intensified state repressive action, putting into operation a counterrevolutionary state war machine with a clear desire for liquidation, which reached an objective realization through the disappear-ance of people and the spread of terror. As a result of this process, which knew no national boundaries or ideological boundaries, there was a massive violation of human rights; on the other hand, and from this, in the field of social sciences the conceptualization of State terror-ism was used before its conceptual precision allowed for unicity of criteria. This article pre-sents a theoretical conceptual reflection to advance the understanding of the specific mecha-nisms of the emergence, expansion and transnationalization of State terrorism. With the con-crete study of the Operation Condor, which fully demonstrated the integration of the dictator-ships of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Julio Lisandro Cañón Voirin, Columbia University

    Licenciado en Historia por Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (2008). Graduado Distinguido de la Facultad de Humanidades. Máster en Historia Contemporánea por la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2010). Doctor Internacional en Historia Contemporánea por la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2014). Phd Institute of Latin American Studies; Barnard College/Columbia University, Nueva York (actualmente).

    Ganador de la IV edición del Premio Juana de Vega de investigación, modalidad B. Becario de investigación predoctoral de la Xunta de Galicia (2011-2014).

    Formado en investigación de la historia argentina desde el temprano siglo XIX hasta la historia más reciente, particularmente centrado en esta última. Preocupado por las modalidades de las estrategias de dominación de los sectores dominantes, el discurso de las derechas, y el terrorismo de Estado. Autor del libro Terrorismo de Estado y política educativa (2012).




Cómo citar

CAÑÓN VOIRIN, Julio Lisandro. State Terrorism: South America during the 1970s. A case of State Terrorism Transnationalization. HISTÓRIA UNICAP , Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 5, n. 9, p. 270–283, 2018. DOI: 10.25247/hu.2018.v5n9.p270-283. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.

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