



Ressignificados; Práticas; Escola; Aluno.


This article aims to discuss the role of the school as a space capable of giving meaning, giving new meaning and the resurgence of cultural manifestations with an emphasis on religiosity, through inclusive educational practices and coping policies in everyday school life. In order to reach the objectives, a historical cut based on the structure and model of education in Brazil is made, as well as it sheds light on what is exposed in the new National Curricular Common Base - BNCC in the case of public policies aimed at the issue in question. screen and its effective application, as well the textual and documentary analysis with the theoretical contribution of authors who approach the subject in question. It also discusses concepts of culture, giving an air of plurality, where there is nothing more to talk about in a culture, but cultures. Finally, the article deals with this theme, pointing out that in the school space, this human and social unit, far from being homogeneous, weave affective, socio-affective, educational, professional and conflict relationships, built through the interactions of interpersonal relationships, ideas, dialogues, their knowledge and lives in the school space.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Cristina Lima Moreira, Universidade Estadual de Alagoas, UNEAL

    Doutora em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, UNICAP (2018). Atualmente é professora titular da Universidade Estadual de Alagoas, UNEAL. E-mail: acmmoreira@hotmail.com.


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How to Cite

MOREIRA, Ana Cristina Lima. POPULAR CULTURAL MANIFESTATIONS: DISCUSSION AND INCLUSION IN THE SCHOOL SPACE. PARALELLUS Journal of Religion Studies - UNICAP, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 14, n. 34, p. 327–344, 2023. DOI: 10.25247/paralellus.2023.v14n34.p327-344. Disponível em: https://www1.unicap.br/ojs/index.php/paralellus/article/view/2220.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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