Hebrew Bible, wisdom literature, literary-theological analysisAbstract
The article analyzes the literary strategies used in Proverbs 1:20-33; 8:1-36; 9:1-6 and Job 28:1-28 comparing how these different poems thematize wisdom in order to characterize its availability and unavailability to humans. The choice of these texts is based on objective criteria: 1. in them the availability and the ways to find wisdom are enunciated; 2. as for dating the texts are contemporary, dated between the end of the period of Persian domination and the beginning of Greek domination; 3. the texts are part of the final edition of the respective books, in collection of poems in Prov. 1-9 and in Job as an edition between the dialogues of Job and his friends (3-27) and the divine intervention (38-41); 4. The texts play an important literary-theological role in their location in the book. Therefore it also analyzes the function of this characterization in the editing of the books of Proverbs and Job. Finally, the analysis of the literary dialectic of the availability and unavailability of wisdom contributes to an understanding of the same dialectic in human experience.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi, Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi, Lucas Merlo Nascimento
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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