Distante narratives

children in the jornal “Esquema Oeste” (Guarapuava - PR 1979-1984)





Photojournalism, Press, Childhoods, Intersectionality


The weekly “Esquema Oeste”, was one of the main means of communication during the 1970s and 1980s in Guarapuava-PR, and has great relevance for historical research. With an extensive variety of possibilities for research, the social column “Esquema Social”, published in the press since 1977, allows to understand part of the socio-cultural relations of the city. With regard to childhood, in view of the perception of growing publication in the column about the child audience, it aroused the interest in investigating which narratives were built about this audience. In view of this, this text aims to reflect on the narratives about childhood presented in the print, between the years 1979-1984, in order to understand how the differences in class, gender, age and ethnicity were reinforced by the weekly and / or stood out as markers that contributed to their insertion in the press. For this, I use conceptual notions about intersectionality, pointed out by Kimberlé Crenshaw, and about photojournalism, by Charles Monteiro. The analysis made it possible to understand part of the construction of the social column, the social relations of the city and the understandings about childhood (s) published by the press.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Luiz Zaluski, Postgraduate Program in History at UDESC

    Doctoral candidate in the Postgraduate Program in History at UDESC, in the line of research Political Cultures and Sociabilities. Linked to the Laboratory of Gender and Family Relations (LABGEF). Master in History PPGH-UNICENTRO, graduated in History (2008) from Unicentro, Social Sciences (2015) Faculdade Guarapuava. He has a specialization in Teaching and History of America (2010), School Management (2010) Media in Education (2013) and Sociology Teaching (2016) by Unicentro. He has experience in elementary and high school with the disciplines of History and Sociology, and in the Graduation in EaD, as a teacher/tutor in the courses of History and Sociology, and pedagogical monitoring for courses in EaD UAB/UNICENTRO.


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How to Cite

ZALUSKI, Jorge Luiz. Distante narratives: children in the jornal “Esquema Oeste” (Guarapuava - PR 1979-1984). HISTÓRIA UNICAP , Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 8, n. 16, p. 281–299, 2021. DOI: 10.25247/hu.2021.v8n16.p281-299. Disponível em: https://www1.unicap.br/ojs/index.php/historia/article/view/1813.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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