Jurgen Moltmann's Theology of Human Rights in the Context of the Migration Crisis due to Climate Change
Human Rights, Climate crisis, Environmental refugees, Jürgen Moltmann, AnthropoceneAbstract
This article analyzes the environmental refugee crisis as one of the most significant challenges of the 21st century from a interdisciplinary approach between philosophy and theology. Modern anthropocentric thinking has produced not only the separation between human beings and nature but has also devalued and reified it. Consequently, the Anthropocene and an anthropocentric understanding of human rights lead to the exclusion or lack of recognition of certain groups, as in the case of the displaced environment. On the one hand, the displacement of entire groups due to climate issues violates human rights such as the right to life, housing, and health. On the other hand, environmental refugees still lack international recognition in human rights treaties. Therefore, it is essential to overcome this model that ultimately prevents the universalization of human rights. To do so, Jürgen Moltmann's theology of human rights from the theses of God's right over humans and imago Dei have a fundamental role. The article concludes by offering two concrete paths that can contribute to overcoming this modern model: the re-signification of the concept of economy and the recognition of the fundamental ecological duty.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rafael Da Silva Sampaio, Dr. Yilly Pacheco
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