
This Dossier, entitled FROM COLONIALISM TO CONSCIENTIAL DECOLONIZATION, aims to bring together works resulting from historical research that address central issues of "Colonialism to Consciential Decolonization" related to African spaces that were under Portuguese domination, which experienced processes of struggle for liberation and the modes of formation of political consciousness resulting from this in these spaces. Under this central theme, it was intended to provide the conditions for discussions and analysis of the following issues:

a) Political awareness: (i) Formation of African nationalism at the Casa do Estudante do Império (CEI); Theorists, thinkers and leaders of the struggle movement who contributed to the awakening of political consciousness, leading to the OAU and political independence; (ii) Failed state in Africa: coup d'état, genocide, etc.; (iv) mental decolonization through socialization;

b) Redefinition of Colonialism: (i) Colonial power and insurrections; (iii) construction of a nation-state based on the colonial legacy; (iv) identity affirmation versus the law of Indigenato in the post-colonization period.
The following may participate in the work: masters, doctoral students, doctors and post-docs in History and areas related to the subject, within the scope of the human sciences.


  • teacher Dr. Giselda Brito Silva (UFRPE – Campus Headquarters (Recife-PE – Brazil); and the
  • Prof. Dr. Patrício Batsikama Mampuya Cipriano (ISPT - Instituto Superior Politécnico Tocoista, Luanda, Angola)

Deadline for submission

October 31, 2022

Guidelines and submission address


v. 9, no. 18, 2022.