The Gold Cycle and its Socio-environmental Impacts

A human and ecological drama that crosses borders




Gold, Extractivism, Sustainability, Churches, Divestment


Gold fascinates us with its beauty, brilliant shine and high added value. A sign of wealth and ostentation, it hides a human and ecological drama that crosses borders. From extractivism, in the riverbeds or in land mines, to its use in the financial market, gold leaves a trail of human exploitation and degeneration of the environment. This article aims to show the productive cycle of gold, the social and environmental impacts, and the interpellations of this reality for the Christian faith and the Churches. It is divided into three parts. Initially, it characterizes the types of extraction of this metal and the consequences for the soil and human communities, as well as its destination as an investment in the financial market. The following is a biblical summary of the various meanings of gold. Finally, it offers a theological-pastoral reflection on gold, sustainability and social equity. In conclusion, it points out some initiatives of the Christian Churches in defense of territories against the exploitation of gold and their commitment to socio-environmental justice.


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Author Biography

  • Afonso Tadeu Murad, Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE)

    Doutor em Teologia pela Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana (1992). Graduação em Pedagogia pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (1981), em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (1984). Concluiu especialização em Gestão e Marketing, pela Fundação Dom Cabral (2006) e Comunicação Social na Universidade São Francisco.


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Todos os acessos revistos em 25/03/2022



How to Cite

MURAD, Afonso Tadeu. The Gold Cycle and its Socio-environmental Impacts: A human and ecological drama that crosses borders. Fronteiras - Revista de Teologia da Unicap, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 5, n. 1, p. 16–41, 2022. DOI: 10.25247/2595-3788.2022.v5n1.p16-41. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.