The The Church at the borders

a socio-pastoral reading of the current migratory challenges


  • Aldo Skoda Pontificia Universidad Urbaniana



Migration, Globalization, Intercultural Pastoral Care, Theology of migration, Participation


Although a constant in human history, migration today is characterized by the acceleration and diversification of flows, the growth of forced migration, the lack of a vision of global and integrated policies, the partial or distorted narrative that generates prejudices. Often migration is used for political purpose to generate fear among the welcoming communities through a well thought campaign of hate speech. This contributes to present the migration phenomenon as a continuous state of emergency. The theological-pastoral vision on the migratory phenomenon and how it can improve an open and attentive action towards migrants and refugees are today a very fruitful field for reflection and debate. An important element is constituted by the richness of theological reflection, of the magisterium and of the prophetic action of the Church in addressing the challenges of human mobility not simply as a social phenomenon, but as a sign of the times. In analyzing some characteristic elements of the pastoral action in the field of human mobility, the concept of participation, sharing responsibilities and intercultural pastoral care is proposed as a concrete form of pastoral action.


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Author Biography

  • Aldo Skoda, Pontificia Universidad Urbaniana

    Aldo Skoda, profesor de Teología Pastoral y Movilidad Humana de la Pontificia Universidad Urbaniana y Director del Instituto Scalabrini de Migraciones Internacionales. Se presta especial atención a los estudios de migración con particular atención a los aspectos religiosos, sociales y psicológicos.


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How to Cite

SKODA, Aldo. The The Church at the borders: a socio-pastoral reading of the current migratory challenges. Fronteiras - Revista de Teologia da Unicap, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 5, n. 1, p. 42–65, 2022. DOI: 10.25247/2595-3788.2022.v5n1.p42-65. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 oct. 2024.