From Vatican II to Amoris Laetitia: The Catholic Social and Sexual Ethics Division and A Way of Ecclesial Interconnection




Gaudium et Spes, Amoris Laetitia, Catholic social teaching, moral theology, conscience, social justice, sexual ethics


This paper navigates the development of ethical issues during Vatican II and the impulse to develop a new moral theology just after the Council. This paper argues, on one hand, thatGaudium et Spesdevelops a new moral theology based on the imperative of conscience mediated by faith in issues of social ethics. On the other hand, the old moral orientation was preserved on sexual ethics. After the council, these two moral faces have led magisterial teaching to two different paths that can be seen chronologically in approaches used for issues of social and sexual ethics. Vatican II encouraged a new moral theology, visible in social ethics in the years immediately following the Council. But the same spirit was not embraced by the Magisterium on issues of sexuality until the publication of Amoris Laetitiawith its ecclesiology of pastoral discernment. 


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Author Biography

  • Alexandre Andrade Martins, Marquette University
    Doutor em Teologia Moral e Bioética pela Marquette University, com pós-doutorado em Democracia e Direitos Humanos pela Universidade de Coimbra. Professor no Departamento de Teologia e na Escola de Enfermagem da Marquette University


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How to Cite

MARTINS, Alexandre Andrade. From Vatican II to Amoris Laetitia: The Catholic Social and Sexual Ethics Division and A Way of Ecclesial Interconnection. Fronteiras - Revista de Teologia da Unicap, Recife, PE, Brasil, v. 2, n. 2, p. 69–89, 2019. DOI: 10.25247/2595-3788.2019.v2n2.p69-89. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 oct. 2024.

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